Thursday, September 22, 2016

100 Malignant Narcissists Come Out For Trump

100 Malignant Narcissists Come Out For Trump

Today, in a show of non-empathic camaraderie, 100 severe narcissists came out in support as fellow grandiose, thin-skinned, semi-delusional brethren to their standard-bearer, Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

"Trump reflects well on me" said narcissist Edward O'Neill, beneath a poorly designed wig & masked by an orange tan of a color not found in nature. "I'm stronger, greater, & more important than everyone else. Even him. And don't tell me differently. Are you telling me differently? Are you?" he asked, his veneer of superficial charm giving way to a growing narcissistic rage.

"The problem with the other candidates is that they aren't paying enough attention. To me." said longtime grandiose self-deluder Aaron Josephs. "When Trump demands that people accept his completely off-the-top-of-his-head ideas as concrete facts, ridicules Latinos, African Americans, and women, it reminds me of just how strong, powerful, & completely unconcerned with anyone but myself I can be."

The 100 narcissists attempted to unroll & hang a large banner reading "Trump: You are almost as great as us," but were constantly distracted by the mirrored surfaces of the buildings around them, & eventually wandered off to comb their hair, wipe stray tanner from their hands & shirts, or simply to admire their own profiles.

"Trump" said O'Neill, as he carefully admired his own reflection. "He cares about himself. The rest is just a pose, a charade. He'll say anything to get what he wants--which is an endless stream of praise & admiration. He's never sought anything else, really. Ever. Never a page of policy. He doesn't even understand the Constitution."

"Just praise, power, & the totalitarian control over others that leads to respect" continued O'Neill, hanging his mirrored sunglasses ostentatiously from his shirt.

"That's the only reason he wants to be President. And that's a man I can understand."